Thursday, October 6, 2011

Palo Alto...Steve Jobs RIP

Today, I'm packing to catch a flight to California. No, not another girls trip, that's only a once a year thing.

This time to go to Palo Alto, California. Steve Jobs funeral? No, but it will be swarming with peeps because of the genius' death last night.

My middle child, Hunter, is a first year law student at Stanford. PHT and I are going to make our first visit to Palo Alto and the Stanford Campus.

You see, as you might have discerned, Hunter is a very independent barely 22 year old, type A, extremely intelligent, young man. His mantra this summer was "I don't want to walk around campus with my mommy and daddy, that's ok with undergrad but I'm a law student."

We didn't take it personal, we respected him for communicating his feelings (that's what we try to teach our kids, right?), setting boundaries.

So, he moved himself entirely to college in late August.

Now, the trip to go see him, his space and new college life, finally is here. I can't wait!

He's actually excited to show us now! His timing, that's all right, we raised him to be independent.

Stanford here we come! Finally!

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